Kick News & Updates - XQC and Amouranth sign with Kick
XQC & Amouranth leave Twitch for Kick.
Two of the most popular Twitch streamers receive huge deals from emerging platform Kick to leave Twitch behind.
Kick poaches two Twitch giants for its platform.
You know the meme with the dog in the room of fire, I do wonder if that is a real-life imitation of the Twitch HQ offices after the last week? After the controversy of the Twitch Branded Guidelines, resulting in platform-wide whiplash with them flip 180’ing that 24 hours later, and then the 70/30 exclusive revenue cut… it must be at least a little bit warm in those offices.
No matter your like or dislike for XQC, he is one of the most popular and top grossing streamers on Twitch. Last week he broke ranks and, in a surprise move, went over to emerging creator platform Kick for a huge 100-million-dollar, two-year contract. The biggest shock in this is that this deal is non-exclusive, which is going to send tsunamis, not just waves, through the community committed to Twitch. Twitch are notorious for being dead set on keeping streamers to one platform. In reality, Twitch has once again burned bridges before they can be built, because any notion of XQC streaming on both Kick and Twitch is not allowed, under Twitch’s own policy.
Then, before social media had time to recover, it was also announced that Amouranth, who is Twitch’s most watched female streamer, would also be heading to Kick through a deal that has currently not been revealed.
Among creators, Kick has now gained a lot of traction. From 95-5 revenue split for all, to nonexclusive streaming, to favourable deals for worldwide known creators; these against the curve policies have attracted many streamers to question their loyalty to their current platform. And it is very likely that these two goliaths are only the beginning of a possible Twitch to Kick exodus, with many seeing a 95-5 share, compared to a 50-50 or 70-30 share is much more favourable and makes Kick an attractive alternative with this information alone.
We’ve been keeping an eye on Kick for a while now, watching its growth and controversy develop over time, as well as working with some exciting creators and developing our workability with the platform. On our socials, we’ve discussed Kick previously and created some short content and blogs on the subject for you to find out more.
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GETREKT Labs and GETREKT Elements create custom and pre-made stream overlays for YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Kick, Tiktok and all major streaming platforms, for use with StreamElements, StreamLabs and OBS.
GETREKT Labs features custom stream overlays, animated Twitch overlays, interactive stream assets, 3D world building, Unreal Engine 5 environments, custom widgets, stream overlays for OBS, camera overlays, reactive overlays, emotes, alerts, sound effects (sfx), set-up, coding and more for all items. Set-up includes all platforms and integration with StreamLabs, Stream Elements and OBS.
GETREKT Elements features pre-made stream overlays and assets, including animated Twitch stream overlays, camera overlays, stream layouts, emotes, alerts, sfx, Twitch panels, scene transitions, stingers, OBS overlays and more – all with an easy 1 click set up in StreamLabs and StreamElements with OBS.